Protect Your Pet from Household Poisons!


The following is a partial list of plants that may be toxic to your pet.  If ingested, please call your veterinarian ... or call the

Animal Poison Hotline at 1-888-232-8870


Aloe Vera Draceana Palm Iris Peony
Apricot Pits Dumb Cane Ivy Periwinkle
Avocado (pit & fruit) Easter Lily Kalanchoe Philodendron
Azalea Eggplant Lantana Poinsetta
Baby's Breath Elephant Ears Laurels Poison Ivy
Bird of Paradise English Ivy Lilies Potato
Black-eyed Susan Eunoymus Lily-of-the-Valley Pothos
Bleeding Heart Evergreen Lobella Privet
Buttercup Ferns Lupine Rhododendron
Calla Lily Foxglove Marigold Spider Mum
Carnations Geranium Mistletoe Spinach Plant
Chrysanthemum Gold Dieffenbachia Morning Glory Sweet Pea
Clematis Philodendron Mountain Laurel Tiger Lily
Corn Plant Hemlock Mushrooms Tomato Plant
Crocus Hibiscus Narcissus Turnip
Cyclamen Holly Nutmeg Wisteria
Daffodil Honeysuckle Onion Yew
Delphinium Hyacinth Peace Lily
Dieffenbachia Hydrangea Peach Pits


Signs to look for when you think your pet has been poisoned:

** Cramps, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, insecticides, weakness, slowed breathing, drooling Medicines, anti-freeze, oil, tar, cleaning fluids, polishes, weed killers, fertilizers, paints, solvents
**  Coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Cleaning fluid fumes, gasoline fumes, car exhaust, smoke, gas leaks, glue fumes
** Redness or irritation on the affected area Paint solvents, kerosene, tar, insecticides, acids, alkalies
** Pain and swelling, effects on breathing or circulation Insect bites, snake bites