Dear Veterinarian:

 My name is Nicole Barnhardt, and I am the Director of an organization known as Precious Paws Rescue, Inc. Our mission is to locate and place unwanted animals, who have been relinquished by various individuals to shelters and other organizations for possible adoption.  We are a not-for-profit charitable organization, described under the Internal Revenue code 501C3. Copies of the IRS 501c3 determination letter can be provided if necessary, upon your request.

 Precious Paws volunteers are located nationwide, and foster dogs until they can be placed in permanent homes. Our volunteer is fostering a dog at this time. Despite the fact that this dog is being boarded with our volunteer, the organization takes full responsibility for the expense of any veterinary care incurred by this animal during it's foster care. In addition, we will also expect to be involved in the decision-making process regarding any major treatment that might be needed.

 At this time, I would like to authorize your office to treat the animal in question, up to the first $100.00 of veterinary care. Any care that could potentially be in excess of this amount would need verbal authorization by myself. Of course, Precious Paws pays all veterinary bills in a timely manner, and your office should assume the same in this case.

 Given the fact that we are a charitable organization, and do not make any profit from our activities, it is our hope that your office might consider offering services at a reduced cost. In this way, we can fully utilize our charitable contributions to aid as many animals as possible.

 If you can bill us directly, it would be much appreciated and we will get payment mailed out to you within one week. It is also possible in most cases for us to provide you with our corporate credit card information over the phone, should you prefer payment at the time services are rendered.  If you would prefer to mail vet bills, the address is:

Precious Paws Rescue, Inc.
ATTN: Nicole Barnhardt
6520 White Pine Lane
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262

If you have any questions regarding the above, or need to contact me to obtain verbal authorization for further treatment, I can be contacted at the phone numbers or address listed below.  We are very grateful for any services you may provide for our animals, as it is our goal to save and re-home as many pets as possible.


Nicole Barnhardt, Director
Precious Paws Rescue, Inc.
6520 White Pine Lane
Charlotte, North Carolina 28262
Phone: 704-509-9861  Cell phone: 704-400-6437
e-mail address: